Loading Configurations

Time it takes: (10 min)

What is a .mapeosettings file?

A .mapeosettings file is a tar file, similar to a zip file. You can see the contents of the file by changing the file extension to .tar and using any application that can extract tar files.


Before loading your preset configuration file into the phone, use mapeo-settings lint to test your files to make sure they will compile on the phone.

Run the following command if you are using the default template.

npm test
Presets valid

Mapeo Mobile

Now, you are ready to load your settings to Mapeo Mobile.

Using manual file transfer

  1. Rename the .mapeosettings file to .tar

  2. Then expand .tar file by double clicking to open it

  3. Copy that folder onto the phone


    See https://github.com/digidem/mapeo-mobile#usage for latest published documentation


Using Terminal adb

  1. Plug in the device to your computer using a USB cable.

  2. Set the mode for USB debugging on the phone to 'Transfer Files'.

  3. In the terminal, typing adb devices should give you the following output:

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
ZY223D4VVS  device

If your device is not found or is unauthorized, make sure it is plugged in all the way and then see this troubleshooting guide.

Now, you'll need to place the presets folder in the appropriate directory on the Android device using adb push

adb push ./mapeo-settings-myproject-v1.0.0/* /sdcard/Android/data/com.mapeo/files/presets/default

Did it work? Test that the files are available on the device by using the shell.

$ adb shell ls /sdcard/Android/data/com.mapeo/files/presets/default

If it worked correctly, you should see the following output


Mapeo Desktop

Automated import

Mapeo Desktop supports importing .mapeosettings files in the user interface.

After you've created your settings file, you can import it by navigating to File->Import Configuration....

Manual import

You can also extract the .mapeosettings file as a tar file into the following directory:

  • USERDATA is the per-user application data directory, which by default points to:

    • %APPDATA% on Windows

    • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or ~/.config on Linux

    • ~/Library/Application Support on macOS

This folder (default) expects these files directly in under this default folder (i.e. no sub-folder with a different name):


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