Creating Fields

Time it takes: (20 min - 20 days. Estimate: 20 min per category)

Prepare folder structure for creating assets

Using the file explorer

  1. Download the example configuration.

  2. Unzip the contents to a new folder using a program like 7zip.

  3. Rename the folder from "mapeo-default-settings-2.1.0" to "mapeo-config-projectname".

Using the terminal (linux and mac)

mv mapeo-default-settings-v2.1.0 mapeo-settings-myprojectname

Configuration Contents

These are the directories that live in the top level folder

  • fields

  • icons

  • presets

These are the files that live in the top level folder

  • defaults.json

  • metadata.json

  • package.json

  • style.css

Prepare .json Files

In fields directory customize the .json files

In the fields directory, each .json file needs a key, type, label, and placeholder.

type can be one of select_multiple, select_one, text, or textarea

In the presets directory, customize the .json files

In the presets directory, each .json file needs:

  • a list of fields which should match the key created in the fields directory.

  • icon must mach the name of an icon in the icons folder

  • namewill be the human-readable label shown to the user

  • color determines the color of observation dots on the map. (Dots fall back to orange if no color is defined.) Value can be a hex code, CSS color name or any string supported by validate-color.

  • geometery must be a list of point ,area, and/or line

Copy icons from previous section

The icons folder should have all of the icons you created from the previous section

Package Config Assets for MAPEO

Prep folder and build

Type, 'cd`, then a space, then drag and drop the folder where the prepared assets are and press enter. It will look something like this

cd /Users/jen/Documents/Dd_LOCAL_project-files/Dd-Tools/Mapeo/Presets/CREATION\\ LAB/Strathcona-KX-v1.0.0

You will then be ready to run scripts directly in the folder.

npm install
npm run -s build

This -s tells npm to be silent, so that you only see errors that are meaningful to you.

You will see something like the following output. Errors will be highlighted in RED with hopefully some helpful description so that you can remedy the issue.

→ Using version x.x.x. of mapeo-settings-builder
! Warning: no category json files found in /home/okdistribute/node_modules/mapeo-default-settings/mapeo-default-settings-2.1.0/categories
✓ Built presets and categories (37ms)
✓ Generated svg sprite for iD (544ms)
✓ Generated png sprite for Mapbox (81ms)
✓ Generated png icons for Mapeo Mobile (607ms)
✓ Successfully created file 'build/mapeo-default-settings-v2.1.0.mapeosettings' (total 1299ms)

You'll also see a .mapeosettings file inside of the build directory.

What is a .mapeosettings file?

A .mapeosettings file is a tar file, similar to a zip file. You can see the contents of the file by changing the file extension to .tar and using any application that can extract tar files (such as 7zip, mentioned above).

Troubleshooting Checklist

Type the following into the terminal

node -v

You need to be at least on Node version 8 for the mapeo-settings-builder to work properly. If you need help, review the 'Preparing Computer' section and ensure you're on the latest version of mapeo-settings-builder.

npm install -g mapeo-settings-builder@latest

You also may want to delete node_modules and install updated versions of the dependencies.

In Mac or Linux, in the terminal:

npm install

If you're having more issues, please open an issue on the GitHub repository or e-mail our support hotline.

Last updated