Aerial Imagery

Viewing map imagery while offline or in remote environments with limited connectivity.

Mapeo Mobile

Offline maps must be placed in this folder:


This folder should contain these files directly under this default folder:

  ...maybe more

To Create an Asar file

npm install -g asar
asar pack /path/to/my/tiles my-offline-tiles.asar

Mapeo Desktop

Automatic Import

Mapeo has a built-in tile importer. Go to File->Import Offline Map Tiles... and point Mapeo to the tiles you want to use. It accepts a directory of tiles organized by /{zoom}/{x}/{y}. You can change these parameters when you launch Mapeo desktop in the background imagery layers menu.

The automatic importer attempts to use .jpg, .png, and .jpeg as the format for each tile.

It will accept .tar files. It does not currently support the .mbtiles format, Pull Requests welcome.

Manual Import

These instructions were written with POSIX systems in mind (Linux, macOS). Windows users may have to infer some of the differences in the commands shown.

You can put styles and tiles into the following directory:

  • USERDATA is the per-user application data directory, which by default points to:

    • %APPDATA% on Windows

    • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or ~/.config on Linux

    • ~/Library/Application Support on macOS

Similar to Mapeo Mobile, this expects these files directly under this default folder:

  ...maybe more

After moving files to the directory (if you aren't using automatic import), try manually refreshing Mapeo to see your new tiles.

Map Editor

Once you've imported your tiles, in the Map Editor, you need to follow some more steps to get the OpenStreetMap iD editor to recognize your new tiles.

  1. Press 'b' to open the imagery layers menu.

  2. Choose 'Custom' from the bottom of the list (you need to scroll quite a lot).

  3. Input the appropriate URL (continue reading)

If you used a tar file, you can use the default setting:


If you used an .asar file or used Manual Import, you need to specify the name of your asar file that contains the tiles you want to view:


Map Filter

Map Filter requires a style.json file in the default directory

TODO: document how to get this file, or perhaps Mapeo should generate a default one for the user!

Download the Tile Data

If you don't have tile data already, you can use a command line tool that we created to do this. First, make sure you have npm installed.

Next, install tile-dl:

npm install --global tile-dl

tile-dl needs to be told the latitude, longitude, zoom level, and radius of the area to download locally.

To find the latitude and longitude of the area, open Mapeo Desktop and navigate to the rough centre of the area you're interested in. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen you'll see two numbers separated by a comma. These are your current longitude and latitude (in that order). Note them.

Let's store the template for a map tile provider for use by tile-dl:

echo '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZGlnaXRhbGdsb2JlIiwiYSI6ImNqOGRmNW9qZjBudmgzMnA1a294OGRtNm8ifQ.06mo-nDisy4KmqjYxEVwQw' > url_template

On Windows

Set url_template="{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZGlnaXRhbGdsb2JlIiwiYSI6ImNqOGRmNW9qZjBudmgzMnA1a294OGRtNm8ifQ.06mo-nDisy4KmqjYxEVwQw"

Now you can invoke the tile-dl program:

tile-dl -t "$(cat url_template)" --lon=-122.2632601 --lat=37.8027446 \
          --radius 0.1 --zoom 12 --output tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

On Windows

tile-dl -t %url_template% --lon=-122.2632601 --lat=37.8027446 --radius 0.1 --zoom 12 --output tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

This example downloads the area around Oakland, California. You can tweak the parameters to meet your needs:

  • lat: The latitude at the centre of your download area.

  • lon: The longitude at the centre of your download area.

  • radius: The size of the area to download, in kilometres.

  • zoom: The zoom level to use. 9 is a very wide area; 11 is a large area; 13 is the size of a village; 16 is the size of a small road.

The above zoom level figures are very rough. Experiment with small radii and see how the results look: you can open the resulting JPGs or PNGs with an image viewer and see if they look appropriate to your needs.

Map tile providers offer these satellite images for free; please don't abuse their generosity by downloading more than what you need.

Last updated